Root Canal Treatment in Mohali-Brief Information

People are often overwhelmed with nervousness and fear when they hear about dental treatment and are mainly scared of root canal treatment. The teeth saving treatment might look repulsive but it can save your tooth. With the advancement in modern technology, this treatment is not so repulsive after all. In fact, if you receive dental care from a skilled and expert dentist, the less pain you'll feel with bore surface needles. If you are looking for Root Canal Treatment in Mohali, there are lots of best dentists available that provide the best root canal treatment. But first, you know about basically what is Root Canal Treatment. 

What is Root Canal?

The root canal is like a funnel-shaped channel full of soft tissue that runs from the tooth surface down through the tooth itself and into the root. Both root stems have a root canal. The canal is where the major nerve tissue in the tooth is found.

 Why does it require treatment?

The treatment of the root canal is normally carried out when a tooth shows some level of infection. The procedure is designed to prevent further spread of infection that may lead to the total loss of the tooth. The soft tissue is totally removed from the canals and replaced with artificial cement.

What happens in root canal treatment?

Because the soft tissue in the canal contains the nerve tissues, the procedure will require the administration of an anesthetic. This is normally a local anesthetic that will numb the tooth and surrounding area. 

The space left by the extracted tissues is filled with rubbery cement. To assure that no air pockets remain in the canal, the dentist will take an x-ray of the treated tooth. If an air pocket is found, the doctor will have to remove the cement and refill the canal. This procedure may have to repeat many times.

When the dentist is satisfied that there are no air pockets, the hole is preserved permanently and the remaining cavity in the upper part of the tooth is filled.

Is the treatment painful?

Root canal treatment has a bad reputation as being a repulsive treatment for some reason. The procedure is only carried out under anesthetic and, in the infinite majority of cases, is no different to having a filling done. In some circumstances, the patient may feel some sensation as the treatment involves removing the nerve endings and some patients will experience sensible pain for a day or two after the procedure.

Because of the nature of the treatment, having a root canal done can sometimes be quite a lengthy procedure, so the patient is in the chair for larger time than normal and this may add to much discomfort, mainly for the more nervous patients.

If you need Root Canal Treatment in Mohali, visit DR. Sharma Dental Clinic, they provide the best and affordable Root Canal treatments. For more information about the Root canal Visit drsharmadental Website as well. 


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